Applications for tax reduction or exemption shall be examined and approved by the authorities designated for examination and approval of tax reduction or exemption as prescribed in the law or the administrative regulations. 税收饶让,即与外国政府优惠税收减免额相对应的税收抵免减税、免税的申请须经法律、行政法规规定的减税、免税审查批准机关审批;
Studies on Chinese Export Cartel Exemption from Anti-Monopoly Law 中国出口卡特尔反垄断豁免制度研究
In the end, this text introduces and envisages the construction of the exemption system of antimonopoly law our country. 最后,本文介绍了我国《反垄断法》草案关于豁免制度的规定及构建的设想。
Some in Congress want to end that exemption from the law. 国会有些人想要从法律中结束这一免除。
As an important evidence rule, the right of witness exemption is stated in the evidence law or procedure law in most countries. 作为一项重要的证据规则,证人拒证权的规定见诸世界上大多数国家的证据法或诉讼法典。
Define and exertion to the Exemption right in the Bankruptcy Law is not only important to creditors, but also propitious to vindicate creditors 'justifiable interests fairly. 因此,在破产法中对别除权的界定与行使,不仅对于债权人来说意义重大,同时也有利于公平维护破产债权人的正当利益。
With the developing of economy and society and renewing of theories, applicable range of exemption system of anti-monopoly law is changing. Based on its changing trends, construction of China's applicable exemption system of anti-monopoly law is needed by completing China's anti-monopoly legislation. 随着社会经济发展和理论的更新,反垄断法适用豁免制度有所演变,在归纳其演变趋势的基础上进而构建我国反垄断法适用豁免制度,是完善我国反垄断立法的需要。
Nevertheless, there are very few regulations on the Exemption right in our present Law, and there are still many problems about judicature explain, and its force adeffects are very weak. 然而,我国现行破产立法对别除权的规定内容甚少,有关司法解释也仍有不少问题,且法律效力层次较低。
A Study on Cartel Exemption System in Anti-Monopoly Law 反垄断法中卡特尔豁免制度研究
On the System of Exemption from Anti-monopoly Law about Merger of Enterprises 公司并购中的反垄断豁免制度研究
The exemption system is suitable about the counter-monopoly law. 反垄断法豁免制度是关于反垄断法适用与否的制度。
The Discussion on The Theory of The System of Exemption From The Anti-monopoly Law 反垄断法适用除外制度的原理探微
Internal Conflicts and Settlement of Rules on Foreign Trade Exemption in Antimonopoly Law 论反垄断对外贸易豁免规则的内在冲突及其克服
Reform Natural Monopolied Occupation& Build System of Exemption from Application of Anti-monopoly Law 自然垄断的规制改革与反垄断法适用除外的科学构建
Study on Insurance Industry Exemption of Antitrust Law 论反垄断法的保险业适用除外制度
Exemption from antimonopoly law in amalgamation of business enterprises in China should have its own characteristics in accordance with foreign antimonopoly law. 我国企业合并反垄断法豁免除了应与世界各国反垄断法保持一致外,还应结合国情,具体问题具体分析。
Exemption right in bankruptcy law is the reflection of security interest in the sense of civil law in bankruptcy procedures and the acknowledgement of the security interest in the sense of civil law. 破产法上别除权是民法上的担保物权在破产程序上的反映,是破产法对民法担保物权的承认。
The exemption system of anti-monopoly law offers protection to some lawful monopoly in some fields. As a result, it may coordinate the anti-monopoly law animus, national industry's policies and public benefits. 反垄断法豁免制度对在某些领域内存在的合法垄断给予保护,使得反垄断法的宗旨与国家产业政策和社会公共利益达成了协调。
And in the system of exemption from antimonopoly law, economic benefit is the first aim. 但反垄断法豁免制度作为反垄断法制度体系的组成部分,必然要体现反垄断法作为市场管理法所追求的目标,即社会公平。
On Merger of Enterprises Exemption System in Anti-Monopoly Law 企业合并中的反垄断法豁免探讨
Both the economic factor and legal factor have played an important role in forming the system of exemption from application of antitrust law. 适用除外制度之所以成为反垄断法的一项重要制度,有其深刻的经济基础和法律基础。
The traditional legal researches on public utility emphasize the warrants of government interventions and its exemption from anti-trade law. 传统的法学研究比较强调对公用事业的国家干预和在反垄断法上为其豁免提供依据。
The formation of the exemption in the application of antitrust law is due to three factors: the direct economic effectiveness of monopoly, the competitive effect of monopoly, and the public interest. 反垄断法适用豁免制度的形成根源于三个因素:即垄断的直接经济效率性、垄断的竞争效果和公共利益。
Disclaimer Subject to reference to the subject of the exemption to the "Product Quality Law" discussed the exemption of "defects" are subject to change. 免责事由则参照《产品质量法》的免责事由进行论述,但发展缺陷的免责有所变化。
The agricultural exemption in Anti-monopoly Law, based on agricultural industrial policies and characteristics of agricultural production, is enacted to afford special protection to agricultural subjects. Conditional exemption, to some extent, is available to agriculture subjects whose monopolistic conducts are eligible for exemption. 反垄断法农业豁免制度是基于农业产业政策及农业生产的特性而给予农业主体的特殊保护,反垄断法对符合农业豁免条件的农业主体的垄断行为,在一定程度上有条件地进行豁免。
Exemption are put into the antimonopoly law in certain peculiar circumstances, and also in aviation industry, the aviation alliance will be the exception. 我国反垄断法有对某些特殊情况予以豁免,在民航业中,也应对航空联盟做除外规定。
The thesis makes a systematic study of the system of exemption from the Anti-monopoly law. 本文是对反垄断法适用除外制度的一次系统论述。
Article 81 of EC Treaty and a series of block exemptions, Commission Notices and Guidelines on the applicability of Article 81 made the exemption law system. 《欧共体条约》第81条及一系列的成批豁免条例、委员会通告及指南构建了欧共体竞争法豁免制度体系。
The adjustment mechanism of the exemption of "Anti-Monopoly Law" to public enterprises also need further improvement. 《反垄断法》的豁免制度对于公用企业的调整机制也需要进一步的完善。
Insurance Act introduces the terms of non-defense, but compared to the exemption provisions of common law systems, which is still lack of the application of waiver and estoppel. 虽然《保险法》引进了不可抗辩条款,对告知义务的免除有了一定规定,但是该规定与英美法系较为完善的免除制度相比尚有不足,缺少弃权和禁止反言的适用。